The author encourages others to copy and use individual figures and animations (five or less per web site) contained in this site in the following:
- private web sites
- an educational web sites, such as those of educators or students
- professional web sites
- educational or professional presentations
In all cases, the author expects the site to provide a credit and link to this blog. In the animations of note, a satisfactory link is already provided by the author on the animation itself and will suffice to meet this requirement.
What is FORBIDDEN and will be prosecuted is the inclusion of the illustrations, figures, text, or animations of this site in commercial or private collections of pictures or animations for sale.
It is also forbidden to copy the text or blocks of text (more than a paragraph or caption), with or without the illustrations, figures, or animations, for use in other websites or published or distributed documents, including both hardcopy documents and computer documents and files, without the authors written permission.
Copying this blog for purely personal use is allowed. This does not include putting the text or more than 5 animations up for public viewing or distributation.
The animations in this posting can be downloaded free from George Mason University Archival Repository.
Instructions for putting a flash animation in your web page
To add a flash animation to your html web page, first substitute the correct height, width, and URL for the animation into the code below. Then insert that code into the code of your web page. The URL should indicate the location and name of the animation, i.e. where you store it and its file name. The heights and widths of the animations are listed below. Note that the heights, widths, and URL's all need to be entered twice in the code below.
<object height="310" width="441"> <param name="movie" value="http://folderName/animationName.swf"> <embed src="http://folderName/animationName.swf" height="310" width="441"> </embed></object>
Animation title | height (in pixels) | width |
Plotting the sine function | 340 | 664 |
AC voltage | 206 | 353 |
Animation of the basic phasor rotor | 351 | 402 |
Animation showing phasor, graph, and bungy jumper | 389 | 669 |
Addition of phasors with bungy jumpers | 389 | 791 |
Beating of two oscillations | 389 | 804 |
Beating tones | 173 | 711 |
Complex rotor, ball goddess | 617 | 259 |
Complex exponential function, a show stopper | 317 | 402 |
Complex phasors, da Vinci | 309 | 800 |
Complex multiplication of a phasor, beaches | 309 | 800 |
Gaussian solitary wave, skate board | 217 | 454 |
Shifted gaussian, leprechaun | 217 | 345 |
Traveling Wave, car hop | 241 | 454 |
General traveling wave | 310 | 441 |
Complex phasor representation of a traveling wave | 659 | 696 |
Traveling wave as a complex helical wave | 650 | 700 |
Traveling wave by a monkey | 138 | 301 |
Traveling 2D wave on a mesh | 215 | 360 |
Oblique traveling mesh wave | 215 | 360 |
Circular traveling wave | 215 | 360 |
Electromagnetic traveling wave | 390 | 641 |
Longitudinal pressure wave | 233 | 847 |
Spark gap transmitter | 342 | 400 |
© P. Ceperley 2007