There are all sorts of resonances around us, in the world, in our culture, and in our technology. A tidal resonance causes the 55 foot tides in the Bay of Fundy. Mechanical and acoustical resonances and their control are at the center of practically every musical instrument that ever existed. Even our voices and speech are based on controlling the resonances in our throat and mouth. Technology is also a heavy user of resonance. All clocks, radios, televisions, and gps navigating systems use electronic resonators at their very core. Doctors use magnetic resonance imaging or MRI to sense the resonances in atomic nuclei to map the insides of their patients. In spite of the great diversity of resonators, they all share many common properties. In this blog, we will delve into their various aspects. It is hoped that this will serve both the students and professionals who would like to understand more about resonators. I hope all will enjoy the animations.

For a list of all topics discussed, scroll down to the very bottom of the blog, or click here.

Origins of Newton's laws of motion

Non-mathematical introduction to relativity

Three types of waves: traveling waves, standing waves and rotating waves new

History of mechanical clocks with animations
Understanding a mechanical clock with animations
includes pendulum, balance wheel, and quartz clocks

Water waves, Fourier analysis

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Links and references

All postings by author previous:
advantages of teaching Lorentz's view
contents of relativity
mathematics of relativity
Fig. 15. Global positioning system, GPS satellites are among the few objects larger than sub-atomic particles that can sense relativistic time dilation. While they travel at much less than the speed of light, they do travel very swiftly and have extremely accurate clocks on them.

There are many, many sites on the web explaining relativity. Below I've listed the ones I happen to feel were particularly useful.

Peter Ceperley, November 2010

All postings by author previous:
advantages of teaching Lorentz's view
contents of relativity
mathematics of relativity